Thursday 8 March 2012

Meanings of symbols & colors:

Church Banner Ministry
Precious Lamb of God
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I have been involved in church "banner ministry"
for the last five years.
Within these pages you will find:
  1. Purpose of banners in the church
  2. Scriptural References for banners
  3. Meanings of symbols & colors
  4. Photos of banners

Purposes of banners:
A. Banners rally the troops in war.  
1.) Is 11:10, 12 "The Root of Jesse will stand as a banner for the people, the nations will rally to him"
2.) Eph. 6:10-13  We are at war and are called to be strong in Jehovah-Nissi, "The Lord our Banner"  
B. Banners bestow honor and distinction.  
1.) A Nation's flag moves us to honor the nation it represents.
2.) Banners representing the King of Kings move us to honor Him and all that He is.  
C. Banners tell people whom you represent or with whom you are associated.  
D. Banners are used as signaling devices or to attract attention.  
E. Banners herald an event  
F. Banners unify the company and direct the warfare.  
G. Banners show victories won. (Ps. 20:5-9)  
H. Banners demonstrate God's presence lifted up in our midst. (Ex. 17:8-16)  
I. Banners can be a rallying point of healing. (Numbers 21:8-9, John 12:32)  
J. Banners put the enemy to flight. (Is. 31:7-9)  
K. Banners minister to and celebrate the Lord.  

Scriptural References for banners:
Isaiah 59:19 "When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard (or banner) against him."  
Ps. 20:5 "We will shout for joy when you are victorious and will lift up our banners in the name of our God"
  Ps. 60:4 "Thou has given a banner to them that fear (reverance) thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth."  
Song of Solomon 2:4 "He brought me to the banqueting house, and His banner over me was love."  
Song of Solomon 6:4 "Thou art...terrible (awesome) as an army with banners."  
Isaiah 13:2 "Lift ye a banner upon the high mountain"

Meanings of symbols & colors:
White Light, sacred, purity, holiness, festivity & triumph, joy, glory & majesty
( Dan. 7:9, Mt 28:3, John 10:30)
Black where light and its colors have vanished, sorrow, disease, mourning,
affliction, calamity, death. Primordial color of creation, both day and
night were created by God and called "good"
(Jer. 14:2, Lam. 4:8,5:10
Red (shades of red, pink scarlets, etc.) color of fire and therefore of life,
a fiery process, the blood, wine, atonement, bloodshed, sacrifice
(Zech. 6:2, Rev. 6:4, Rev. 12:3, Gen. 9:4-6)
Blue Sacred, points to Heaven and therefore revelation. Among the
Hebrews it was the Jehovah color, the symbol of the revealed
God, grace, truth
(Ex.24:9-10, Ez. 1:26)
Yellow Joy, spiritual enlightenment
Purple Sacred, the dress of kings, majesty, royalty, expensive
(Esther 8:15, Judges 8:26, Dan. 5:7, 16, 29)
Green vigor prosperity (Ps. 93:14), flourishing, Ps. 37:35, Ps. 52:8,
Hosea 14:8, freshness, sprouting, eternal life
Silver Precious metal used in royal crowns, musical instruments,
drinking cups, used extensively in the Tabernacle and Temple,
also for art objects and jewelry. Money. Used figuratively for
God's words (Ps. 12:16), good rulers (Is 1:22,23),
of saints purified by affliction (Ps. 66:10, Zech. 13:9),
Wisdom is declared to be of more value than silver
(Prov. 3:14, 8:10, 19, 16:16), Redemption, Salvation
Gold Eternal, deity, Kingliness, refined by fire
Orange Praise
Crown Symbol of victory and reward, incorruptible crown
(1 Cor. 9:25, 2 Tim. 2:5), a crown of life
(James 1:12, 1 Pet. 5:4, Rev. 2:10)
Gems and
Precious stones
used in the Bible. Denotes wealth, reflects light.
Diamonds Enduring Pearl- Great Price
Bold letters shows strength...bouncing letter show joy.

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